Hi Pool Guy,
I live in Sunny California (desert area) with lots of direct sun. I am trying to be choose between Stonescapes Aqua White mini pebble and Tropics Blue mini pebble. I want a very vibrant rich blue water color with no or very little hint green.
Which pebble do you think would give me that water color?
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 22, 2018

From what we can tell, they will both give you the vibrant blue you are looking for. If the sun is not shining, sometimes the look of the water will change. The white can sometimes have a bit of the greenish aqua color, but in full sun I doubt you’d see it much. I think you can choose from either with confidence you’ll get the blue you are looking for.
Good luck!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 22, 2018