Could the high salt level have damaged the chlorinator?


My Pentair intelli chlorinator is putting out a white flakey substance into the pool….the chlorinator is 3+ years old. I’ve had to clean it once per month recently as the unit builds up a deposit resulting in the unit not working. I’m thinking the unit is failing. I had a high salt level (I.e. 5900 ppm until I drained some water from the pool…now at 4000, but chlorinator is having problems. Could the high salt level have damaged the chlorinator?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 2, 2018

2 Answers

High salt can cause some issues with a chlorinator. A white flaky substance could be scale or salt chunking up on the cell. Either way, perform an acid wash on the cell and see if it improves the function for you.


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 2, 2018
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