Cracked Pool Step

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My steps in my fox pool has a crack right in the middle at the top step. I’m replacing my liner. What can I do with the crack and a clean up to make it and the coping great a refresh job?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 11, 2018

A cracked step in a fiberglass step, or even in a gunite step isn’t uncommon.

If you have a crack in a fiberglass step, you have a few options for fixing:

  1. For the best result – Replace: You can have the step removed and replaced. This is a cumbersome job, should only be done when a liner is being replaced, and is going to involve breaking out concrete, taking out the step, putting a new step in, adding concrete to secure it in place, backfill with sand and then replace the patio. In certain cases, this is the route to go. It’s more labor intensive and disturbs more area near the pool so it’s important to keep these factors in mind.
  2. Resurface: There is a product called ecoFinish available on the market today that will resurface fiberglass swimming pools and fiberglass steps. This is also a highly specialized technique, in the equipment used to do the job, and in the knowledge of how to perform the resurfacing, especially of a fiberglass step correctly.
  3. Fiberglass Repair: If you can find a company that does fiberglass repair, there is a method of arresting the crack, filling it in, and resurfacing that area of the step. This is a specialized skill, and sometimes hard to find people who can do this type of repair. It is worth checking though to see if someone offers this in your area.
  4. Surface Patch of Silicone or Epoxy: The most economical, yet most noticeable way to repair a crack in a fiberglass step is to use some type of waterproof epoxy to seal the crack as best you can. You’ll likely still notice the patch, but you can prevent further issue (often) by eliminating water getting into the surface of the step. Note: not many products will bind securely to the repaired area – we have had success with Mr. Sticky underwater glue, and in some cases a product like Boss 801.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 11, 2018
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