DIY Limestone Coping Reno

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DIY limestone coping renovation? Any advice if we tackle this ourselves?

Good morning question for you: I had my pool resurfaced along with new tile installed. They did a horrible job on the tile. Long story short they ended up having issues with theft so i guess i should be grateful they’ve even finished. I had a thousand square feet of pavers laid six months ago. Pretty horrible as well i was told the coping was fine however it feels horrible and my three-year-old has three large scrapes due to climbing out of the pool. I’m not sure if we can diy replace it? Or fill in more holes or just paint it? I can’t seem to find any videos on removing limestone bullnose coping. If you don’t mind what would you suggest? I’d like to try not to hire anyone since I apparently pick horrible companies even if they came highly recommended.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 7, 2021

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