Do you think the pool plaster company is correct or should I have all the surface removed like the California pool expert says?

Two summers ago we had a complete pool renovation done.  The company used marcite to resurface.   We had to take them to court because as you can see in the pics what their job looked like only months later and they refused to take responibility.  We have spalling, crazing and dark spots coming through the surface.
My question.  The pool plaster company says to fix the problem it just needs acid washed, re=bonded and then a new surface re-applied.  They say the black won’t come back through or will the spalling.  $6,500 fix.
However, a 45 year pool expert from California who saw the pictures said the only correct fix is to remove all surface back dow to the gunite shell and then resurface.  $10,000 fix.
Do you think the pool plaster company is correct or should I have all the surface removed like the California pool expert says?
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 1, 2018

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