Equator Skimmer Weir Door Flap Retrofit Replacement


I am writing to you to obtain assistance with a solution to the problem I am having with finding an appropriate replacement for the door to my skimmer.

Please see the pictures below/attached which show the skimmer door replacement I recently purchased to replace the original door of my Kafko Equator skimmer which is 20 plus years old.

The old door needed to be replaced so I purchased the recommended replacement door. The replacement door will not stay attached to the grooves that are a permanent part of the skimmer. The door becomes detached after minor movement of the pool water.

I have included a picture of the skimmer opening which shows one of the grooves that the skimmer door is supposed to snap into. There is one groove on each side of the skimmer opening. The rounded part of the skimmer door is supposed to snap into the grooves and stay put until I pull it off, but the rounded part of the door was not manufactured to be large enough to snap into the grooves snugly.

Please let me know if you are aware of a different replacement door available for purchase that will work with my skimmer, or if there is any way to alter the door I have so that it will fit properly.

Thanks for the help!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 22, 2018

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