FerriTabs in DE Filter?


Are our FerriTabs safe to use with a DE Filter? Any special considerations when using them? When Ernie does an online search on using ferri tabs, he sees that he should use the “special formula”. Do our ferry tabs have the special formula he can use? Ernie would like to order them from us online, but was not able to find info he was looking for…and doesn’t want to damage his equipment. He has high iron in water.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 12, 2018

There is no longer a DE version of the ferritabs made, we were only able to get the tablets for sand filters. They can be used in a de filter, but the filter will need to be bumped and cleaned or backwashed every 4 hours while running for the first 48 hours…they cause an incredible increase in filter pressure as they trap the iron. So while they are not “recommended” for use in a de filter, I have personally and successfully used them…

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 12, 2018

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