Green/Cloudy Water

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There are two things going on at once , Not sure if they are connected. Can you help?

1) my heater has begun whining loudly like a scary ghost in a basement furnace which scares children in an old house
2) I can’t get my water clear. It’s cloudy and a touch green. No matter how much I keep shocking it, the chlorine levels do not stay up and the water remains cloudy.

Any suggestions?

Details of pool:
20K gallons
Salt water
Sand filler
Hayward gas heater
Pressure levels seem fine
Chemicals are balanced
Location: northeast US (Long Island, NY)

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish September 27, 2021

I’d need to know what your actual chemical levels are – it would seem to me the sand should be changed in the filter if you don’t know when it was last done. That would clear up filter issues. Cloudy water can be filter issues or pH going high. Green water can be algae, or metals coming out of solution with a high pH (and other factors) the alkalinity and calcium are also critical since they affect the aggressiveness of the water. If you have any water chemistry test result levels and photos of the pool/water and equipment I’d be happy to take a look.
Heaters can make noise if they have scale. They can also have scale (build up of calcium from high calcium/pH) and they can corrode metal at the same time…so you could have a bunch of things happening with different symptoms like what you are explaining.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish September 27, 2021

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