Hotel Pool – Salt System

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We have an existing hotel property that has chlorine pool currently, but the brand’s requirement is to use “A Saline based generator for swimming pool water purification” I’m not quite sure how does that work. Do we have to convert the chlorine pool to saline now? Or is there any process?

Thanks in advance.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 2, 2018

HI – a saline pool makes its own chlorine, so the transition is pretty simple. The new salt generator is installed, the salt is added to the pool and it starts making it. So the chemicals in the pool are all used as they normally would be, and you can still supplement with chlorine (shock) as needed as well. The difference is now the system will make a consistent amount of chlorine adding a dose to the pool when it is running to maintain more stable chlorine levels.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 2, 2018

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