How can I renovate my Diving Board

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I have a divingboard that needs a make over. I assume it’s been with the pool since 1979. Is fiberglass and it has two small hairline cracks. Also, the paint (or what ever that is on the surface that looks like paint) is chipped.

Leslie’s Pool Supply sales a kit to repair and paint the divingboard. I wonder if you have use it and what do u recommend. I power wash it today but most of the painted chips are still attached to the board and would need to be removed. I there any solvent that would help me to easily remove the chipped paint? I know sanding would not be a good idea since the board needs the roughness to prevent slips.

Thank you for your knowledge and time.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 18, 2018

For safety reasons, I would not make over an old diving board, especially if the integrity of the board is compromised.

Hairline cracks indicate wear to the board, a small crack can become a large one very quickly – I would avoid having anyone use a cracked board at all.

Also, new diving board safety regulations are in place, which the boards of the 1970’s would unlikely pass in today’s code. Diving boards of the past didn’t have the same type of regulation – and head injuries from boards installed in too shallow of water, with too small of a diving envelope, and with too much spring according to today’s standards.

If you have a diving board in need of any type of repair or refreshing, your best answer is to remove the board, check to see if the stand passes today’s safety standards and then either replace just the board, or invest in a whole new board and stand assembly.

With swimming pools, and diving boards, Safety First!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 18, 2018

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