How can I repair a fiberglass step?


My fiberglass step is cracked. Do you have any suggestions for fixing the crack and making the step look new again?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 20, 2018

Pool Step Specialists may be able to help:

We customize each kit for the specific stair and problem. We use different methods and materials depending on stair composition and age. We offer kits to repair cracked treads, crazing, frost damage and complete recoats.
If you have a stair in mind, send us a photo of the overall stair from the top down, and the damage and problems you are having.

We will then advise you of the best way to proceed.

Pool Step Specialists has been operating for over 20 years. We perform structural repairs and refurbish all manner of damage and stairs with trained technicians throughout North America.
For areas we cannot reach, we can help your customers with DIY kits for homeowners and training kits for pool retailers. We customize each kit to best match the repair needed with the best methods and materials. Our finishing and sealing compound called StepGel has been formulated to bond with the original manufactured material. It is a durable and long lasting coating with a lifespan of 8-12 years.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 20, 2018

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