I have copper in my pool water. Where is it coming from?


Where is copper coming from? It’s not like I’m adding copper to my water, am I?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 30, 2018

2 Answers

Your copper that is present in your pool water when you bring it in for testing can be coming from typically one of two places. If you use a copper based algaecide, it could introduce copper into the water. The other, more likely place, if you are running your pool slightly on the corrosive/aggressive side of the water balance scale, would be from your pool heater.

Water, when balanced, should have a neutral impact on your pool. it should not be scale forming nor should it be corrosive.

If your water goes out of balance, in either direction that is when you start to notice scale and staining on the scale formation side or you see etching, pitting, corrosion, and metals being eaten out of your pool equipment and metal components of your pool (screws, lights, handrails, ladder anchors etc.)

The LSI can be calculated to help you understand what your current water conditions are, and what may be happening in your pool. Temperature plays a role in the balance, as well as your chemicals and their readings. Visit this Pentair Pool Water Scale link to put your readings in and find out how your pool is doing. *Perform a water test and enter your numbers: HERE.

If you use an alternative sanitizing method, especially if you have copper floating around in your pool, pay close attention to your water chemistry or you’ll start turning everything green.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 30, 2018
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