I read on Amazon Reviews about FerriTabs


Do they really work?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 3, 2018

7 Answers

Kathy A Raduski

August 4, 2016

Verified Purchase

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 3, 2018

Ferri-Iron Tabs are water treatment tablets that help eliminate the discoloration caused by iron and manganese.

They have been formulated for use in all filters EXCEPT diatomaceous earth filters.

These double-action tablets have been formulated to help decolorize water that has been colored by IRON or MANGANESE. These discoloring insoluble materials are removed from the water by charge neutralization and flocculation. This non-toxic formulation is completely soluble in water and contains no caustic or corrosive chemicals, diatomaceous earth, alum or any chemicals that will alter the pH or chlorine level of the water.

Directions: Make sure pool water has a pH of 7.2-7.6, and contains a measurable amount of chlorine by adjusting with chemicals as necessary. Chlorine will not effect the Ferri-Iron Tab action on Iron or Manganese. Make sure the pool filter is in good operating condition and has been turned on. Drop 1 tablet for each 3000 gallons of pool water into the skimmer basket. In large pools that have multiple skimmers distribute the tablets.

For best results, add the required tablets over a period of a few hours. Keep the filter operating. In order to permanently improve the water quality, the filter must be thoroughly back-washed within 18-24 hours after treatment. In pools that have severe problems, repeat dosage and back-wash procedures after 24-48 hours. In order to prevent a recurrence, when adding make up water and 1 tablet for each 3000 gallons or less of fresh water.

***Note: This product does not remove iron staining from pool surfaces. This product removes iron from in the water itself. You must pre-treat with an ascorbic acid based stain remover, and then treat with FerriTabs to completely remove staining and iron from your pool.***

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 3, 2018

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