I’m not getting a chlorine reading in my pool – yet I keep adding it?

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I have an ic40 intellichlor by Pentair salt generating system. Lights are on. salt level is good, flow is good. Has been at 100% for a while now…lots of salt in and still no chlorine reading. It was in service mode and now in auto mode. No difference whatsoever. Anything else we can do to help? Thanks.


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 29, 2018

The salt cell would have been good to go at opening, yes. Is he getting lights on the cell? Is the salt level good, flow good? He can put the production of chlorine up to 100% to see if it will work – if the pool is in auto mode this must be set up in the easy touch panel. If it is in service mode the buttons on the cell itself are in charge.


We have had several pools that are taking a lot of chlorine to get rid of the winter algae etc. and are having a hard time getting a chlorine reading. I’d shock the pool with a case of liquid chlorine and check again in a few days. To determine if the salt cell is making chlorine it can be dunked in a bucket of salt water, holding the flow switch down – if it bubbles, it’s producing chlorine. ALSO what is the CYA Cyanuric acid or stabilizer level? If less than 30 the sun is going to destroy chlorine as soon as it shines on chlorine. Stabilizer is like the inner tubes the chlorine gets to float around on until it meets contaminants and the sun can’t get to it as quickly.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 29, 2018

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