Inground spa pump won’t prime

789 viewsTroubleshootSpa

I recently had my pool and spa resurfaced. Immediately after, we ran the pool pump/motor but not the spa pump/motor. It has been 2 months and now when I turn on the spa system, the pump/motor turns on but won’t prime. As a results, the 4 jets in the spa does not shoot any water. At first, it appears as if it will turn on and bubbles will start to come out,, then nothing. I check for visible leaks and I see none. I have changed the O-ring thinking it may have dried out over time but still nothing. I also noticed that the pipe behind the spa where I usually hear air from is completely silent. What else can I do before calling out a technician. If it is something simple, I prefer to do myself so I can learn the system, but I am not opposed to calling a technician if it is something complicated. But I will say this, I really think it could be the settings as my pool maintenance people just installed a salt system and the settings look different. Please help.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish March 2, 2021

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