Iron Staining


I had some brick coping repaired on our pool. Since then we have had yellow stains appear that I am now convinced are iron stains. We moved into the house 18 months ago so I have also did a lot of cleaning so initially I thought it was algae, but it is not being brushed away. I really want to start process ASAP, can I pick up this product at your warehouse, or can I only buy online and have it shipped to me?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 23, 2018

HI – yes, your best option is to order from us online. If you start the process, remove the stains with Natural Chemistry Stain Free and then follow up with our Ferri Iron Tablets to remove the iron from the water.

If it is algae, such as yellow algae, it would likely be hard to brush off, and may need to be treated – products for yellow or mustard algae are used on that case.

If you did have brick repaired, I’m also wondering if you could have staining from dye or products used in the process of making the brick, grout, or application. You could try using muriatic acid in an inconspicuous spot to see if this is the case. The acid should remove it.

One more trick I’ve found, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work in many cases just like magic…you could also give something like that a try.

Good luck!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 23, 2018

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