iron well water (orange in color)

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hello , just purchased 2-bottles of iron tablets for a 21 feet x 52 inch pool I will be putting up . where I live the well water has a lot of iron, orange in color . my question is what would you recommend to use with the iron tablets when filling the pool for the first time. thanks!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 10, 2019

HI – When you are filling the pool add two or three Ferri-Iron tablets at a time, circulate with the filter on continually until the water clears – clean the filter (if it’s a cartridge you’ll need to hose it off every 12-24 hours until the water is clear and you may want a second filter to replace it once the iron is out). Once the water is clear you can start to balance it (pH, alkalinity, Chlorine). With iron in your source water every time you top off the level with the garden hose, add a tablet and you should be fine. If you add chlorine and the chlorine level rises you’ll start to notice a green tint to the water, almost metallic green if there’s still iron in the water, which is normal, just treat with a tablet, and check pH and chlorine levels to keep them stable an not too high.

Good luck! Send before and after photos if you can. Let me know if you have any questions!


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 10, 2019
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