Itchy saltwater spill over spa

651 viewsTroubleshootItching Itchy skin

After soaking in the hot tub (spillover spa in out saltwater pool) we get itchy on our legs. We’ve been monitoring all of our chemicals closely. We’ve had two different pool supply houses check our water and give us a clean Bill of health. I especially notice this when we run the heater at 98 or higher. We have friends with a similarly designed pool by the same builder who have the same issue. The builder says it’s the chemicals. Our test kits and two different pool supply businesses say our chemicals are spot on. Any ideas?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024

I’d bring in a water sample and have exact levels of all water parameters tested and put on the langelier saturation index to identify if the water is basic or acidic. There is a relationship between the water temperature and components of water chemistry including calcium, alkalinity, pH etc. that affect bather comfort. What works at a cooler temperature, may change with the addition of heat. I’d also check the concentration of the out put of the salt cell when using the spa. They should be set to a maximum of 5% production when in spa mode. It is possible for the cell to not recognize it’s in spa mode and put out production at 100% which would definitely make a bather uncomfortable.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024

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