Leak/Air Bubbles and Sand in my Pool


I have air bubbles coming out of the jets of my inground pool and the water level keeps going down, which is not due to evaporation. I also have a waterfall that is constantly dripping. I’m sure there is a leak somewhere, but I’m not sure how to locate it. I’m also getting sand in my pool. I recently replaced the sand in my filter and checked the laterals for damage, but didn’t see any cracks.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 15, 2018

From what you describe it sounds like you have a return side leak. Air bubbles, sand in the pool, and water loss would all support this. You’ll need to have your lines pressure tested to locate which line has the issue, and then you’d likely have options to repair it, or discontinue using it (keeping it plugged) to prevent the water loss.

If you do a search for “leak detection companies” in your area, you’re likely to find someone who can do this for you.

Fix A Leak, used according to label directions can also help in some situations.

Best of luck!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 15, 2018

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