led output lights on salt cell

1.55K viewsSalt Generator

the led lights on the chlorine output area constantly flash. Does this mean I need to clean the cell. It has been disconnected for several months during the winter. I live in CA.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 22, 2018

We’ll need a little more information to give you a good answer – what is the brand of the cell, what is the salt content in the water, have you cleaned the cell recently (acid bath 5:1 solution of water/acid), and what is the water temperature?

Each brand has the lights on the cell set up a bit differently- and most user manuals are online for easy access.

The cell should be cleaned as the cell calls for it, and when you can see visible calcification on the cell itself. The lifetime of the cells varies, with an average 5 year life expectancy. Each manufacturer will have a little different variation on this as well.

What is the salt level? A salt level too low, and your cell won’t produce. A cell reading a high salt level will also not work, and often results in flashing lights – remove some water from the pool and replace with fresh to dilute the salt content.

What is the temperature of the water?  Salt Cells also won’t work if the water temperature is below approx. 52 degrees

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 22, 2018

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