Liquid Solar Covers

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I’ve seen your YouTube videos talking about liquid solar covers, but have a question regarding its effectiveness with our specific pool design. We have a separate, elevated spa which features a soft, cascading waterfall over flagstone (about 2 feet) from the spa into the pool. It runs whenever the pool’s pump system is on and is all part of the pool’s pump system. Will that feature impact the effectiveness of a liquid solar cover and can a liquid solar cover still do the job?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 18, 2022


You would still benefit from the Liquid Solar Cover  in your instance. The newer formulations of liquid solar cover allow for water movement (the cover is actually creating a surface tension) that helps inhibit the evaporation and moving/spilling water is okay as well.


Liquid Solar Cover

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 18, 2022

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