Manganese Stain

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Having a problem with manganese in a customer pool. The plant is directly behind the property about 75 yards. Customer is unhappy with us thinking the manganese is somehow our problem. Yes we want to help but not at our out of pocket expense. What gets the stain off the plaster?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 17, 2019

Stainfree is the product you want to use to lift metal staining off a pool surface. It can be added to the water in the area of the stain, and within minutes the stain should fade off the surface and back into the water. Then follow it up with a metal remover, FerriTabs work well to help the filter trap the metals and remove them through backwashing. Alternatively, SeaKlear Clarifier will also help remove trace amounts of metals from a pool.

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Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 17, 2019
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