I have a fiberglass pool that has bluestone straight edge coping all the way around the pool. 2″ inches thick. My pool is just one years old and I have a deck mounted auto pool cover and after one season the pool cover (CoverPools) has developed a small tear right where the pool cover hangs on the coping before it lays one water. My main concern during the build was a straight edge coping probably should have insisted on the a bullnose coping but was assured there wouldn’t be an issue. Now there is and I cant see how a patch or replacement cover won’t do the same thing. The installer of the cover actually used an angle grinder to slight smooth the edge but apparently not enough. So my question is it possible to use a bullnose grinding attachment and have the coping modified to a bullnose without removing all of the coping?
Modify existing coping from straight edge to bullnose
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 11, 2023