My pool turned tea colored. Help!?


My pool turned orange tea colored when I added tablets to the skimmer of my newly replaced 30,000 gallon vinyl liner pool.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 3, 2018

2 Answers

Yeah, so never put chlorine tablets in a skimmer. It is a high concentrate of chlorine that way that will eat the pool equipment (especially the heater!!) use a floater or get a CL220, offline or inline chlorinator.

The water turned green because the chlorine introduces a high pH to the water and makes iron come out of solution, and also causes staining. She should remove the tablets immediately and allow the ferritabs to work for 24-48 hours and then they should clean the filter (backwash etc) and repeat treatment if the water out of backwash/discharge is orange.

The addition of the chlorine tablets could be enough to push iron out of the water and stain the surface of the pool. If that happens, add Natural Chemistry Stain Free to lift the stain from the pool surface and then follow with FerriTabs to remove the iron from the water.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 3, 2018

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