Or do I just need to have the pool resurfaced?

1.35K viewsRenovation

Hi – I bought a home 2 years ago that has a gunite pool (circa 1990 or so). At some point, the pool was resurfaced with what appears to be fiberglass. There were some  areas that needed small patches, which we have done, but the lining/coating seems to be floating in the shallow end – it feels squishy when you walk in the water.

My question is this:  Is there any way to get rid of the floating? I am pretty sure there is water behind it, but would I be able to remove it, and would the weight of the water then hold it in place?
Any way to do this without draining the pool?  Or do I just need to have the pool resurfaced?
The pool works  great – no water clarity issues – set it up as a salt system when we got it up and running last summer. I am afraid if I ignore this it will just get worse. Help!
I can’t ask the previous owners anything – the house was a bank-owned property.
The pool had been sitting for a while when we got it – swamp gas and frog pond when we uncovered it.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 10, 2018

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