PENTAIR IC40 flashing red and green

2.07K viewsSalt GeneratorPentair Salt Cell

hello, i have a pentair ic40 chlorinator. it has worked great since we bought our home 2 years ago, but when i turned it on this year, all i get is the red and green both flashing on the salt level indicator. no flow light, no status light. the sanitizer output are all green (max at 100%, which i always do at startup). i\’ve acid washed the cells 3 times (no fizz and didn\’t see any build up but did it anyway). i checked the life and it\’s at 60%, so doesn\’t appear to be out of life yet. water temp is about 63. any ideas?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2021
If they are flashing red and green – you have too much salt and need to add water to your pool to dilute the salt. Either take a reading from in your control panel if you have the easytouch, or use the test strips to verify your level is too high.
If you just added salt and this started happening remember you should have the cell off when you add a bag or two of salt. It can’t dilute fast enough to give accurate readings right away.
Another step is to turn your entire system off and back on which I have found may sometimes help reset things.
The intelliChlor series looks for a salt ppm of 3600 as ideal. If you have more you’ll have to determine if you can just add fresh water, or drain some of your water and refill.
To assess how much life a Pentair intelliChlor Salt Cell has left, first press and hold the more button for three seconds. The unit will check the status and display a percentage of life that the unit has operated. 20%=2000 hours. You have until the unit goes to 100% of life status before you need to replace the cell.

Here are some more Pentair Troubleshooting Tips for Salt Cells: IntellichlorQA

intelliChlor Owners Manual: IntelliChlor_Owners_Manual_Version_3_units_after_Nov_2011_English

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2021
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