Pentair Multiport Valve SM20-02 issue

844 viewsPentairMultiport Valve

I successfully replaced the spider gasket from within the multipart valve (Pentair sm20-02), however the top of the multipart valve isn’t sitting flush with the bottom. When I screw the top half of the multipart valve to the bottom half, the handle depresses. Once I have the pump on, there is no water leak, but the handle remains “limp” and remains depressed. I again opened the multipart valve thinking I had installed it incorrectly, but everything looked aligned and the parts seem to all be in good shape, including the spring. Any suggestions? Do you think the spider gasket is the issue, being that it’s too thick? The store I purchased it from claimed it was an exact replacement for the model I had. I need help…

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024

When you took the multiport valve apart did you disrupt the spring in the handle? Did it have to come out to get the lid off, and is it back in place properly? Double check those and you may find your answer. Also make sure you are putting it back on the exact way it came off. With most multiports it is possible to reverse them when re-installing that can create issues as well. When in doubt, refer to the owners manual of your particular mulitport valve.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024

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