Pool installer didn’t cut in main drains

964 viewsPool Buildermain drain

Hey pool guy,

We had an in ground liner pool installed last November in central Ohio. Our builder didn’t cut in the main drains during the liner install stating the vermiculite was too soft to walk on. He said he would be back in the spring and would dive the pool to cut them in. This has not yet happened. After watching your video on the placement of the below liner gasket I checked the parts he left for the drains and see both gaskets for each drain are in the bags. I feel like cutting these in and slipping the gasket below the liner with 6ft of water in the pool is not ideal. Additionally the installer has been seemingly putting this off for weeks and has not showed up on any dates he has given us to complete this. How should I address my concerns with my installer and is there anything I should be looking out for during or after the install.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 7, 2021

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