Pool returns

414 viewsPlumbingpool returns threads


I have a leak in my pool. Completed a bucket test and definitely have a leak.

The rapid water loss stabilizes after it gets past the return levels on the pool. Bucket testing again at this level shows no rapid loss.

So I am sure it’s the returns. I purchased some winterizing plugs to plug up the returns, see if I can figure out which return is the problem.

The issue is I can only twist the plugs into the returns a couple times. They are the right size. Not sure if I should force screw them in, lube, WD-40 etc? Or if the threads on the plug are the problem.

Your advice is appreciated, thanks!


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024

If you twist threaded plugs in and they stay, that may be all they need. If you are having trouble with them though – check all the return fitting receptacles. That is a place that could leak especially in an older pool. Alternatively, get non threaded black rubber plugs – they are easier to work with and you won’t have the same threading issue. Never force! You may want to get some dye to do dye testing on each of the returns and if you have a light in the pool double check that as well. Good luck!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024
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