PSI running high for Salt Water Pool

1.13K viewsPentairfilter cartridge

Pool just got opened for the season (IL resident) and the pool was green. First time in 7.5yrs (life of pool) it was ever green. The pool company (whom installed pool) also opens and closes every year. They did get the water to a nice blue before leaving and used their own “dolly pump” so my equipment wasn’t being used during this process. The pool was still cloudy and once pool was turn off you could see a grey like murky substance settle to the bottom of the deep end. When trying to vacuum the substance the pool would become cloudy almost immediately. In other words this substance wasnt visible until the pool was off and water was calm/settled.

After about 5-7hrs of the pool first opening I noticed the PSI was at 25 (very unusual for this pool). Levels are between 19-30 (30 max= change/clean filter) but usually I will not see the PSI jump to 25 until we are at least 1-2months into the season. Now I will say the filters life expectancy was questionable so I did purchase a new set of filters. When I removed the dirty filters and replaced them with the spares set, I did notice the filters werent as dirty as they typically are when reaching 30PSI. However, there seemed to be some type of oil residue. I ran both sets of filters I had before turning the pool completely off. This was all done with in the first 3 days of the pool opening. After going through both sets of filters I had no other choice but to wait until the new ones arrived. Also, I was able to collect most of the Grey like murky substance that had settled in the deep-end but there was still some murky substance still remaining.

After putting in the new filters (7days later) regrettably I realized they were not the recommended brand (Pleatco) which is what I usually purchase but didnt realize my mistake until receiving the filters. Within 4hrs of the pool running the PSI did jump from 19 to 20, no big deal. Then 8hrs later it was at 22-23PSI, (starting to get worried). Then 23hrs later it was at 25-26PSI. I start trouble shooting all over again.

I cleaned out the basket, bleed air out of the lines, I have switched out some of the returns, all tasks seemed to help. After doing all of those steps, the PSI went back down to 20-21PSI (I never took the cartridge filter top off to see the filters condition during this). An hour later it went to 22PSI. Hour after that it went to 25.
1. I turned pool off and released air from the relief valve which brought it back down to 22PSI.
2. I cant see any leaks, any areas that lead me to believe air is coming in.
3. The o ring is properly around the cap for the basket that goes to the pump.

I did NOT check the o ring on the pipe that connects from the line (main and skimmer)to the pump. I am not sure what the problem is, I have yet to examine the filters as they currently sit so I am not sure if they are terribly dirty. I am unsure of what to do.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 7, 2021

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