Remove Iron Staining Public Pool


I am looking for a product to use to keep my pool from getting stained by the iron in our water.  I found on your site FerriTabs.  I am thinking of using this product next year.  What do you recommend that I use this Fall or next Spring to clean of the walls? We are in northern Wisconsin and we are 6 days from closing down our pool for the year.  Before I started here they would just paint the pool every year.  After researching and applying the paint the proper way the paint should last up to 3 years saving us roughly 2,500 each year for the next 2 years.  If you could give me some ideas and also some prices I would appreciate it.  Our pool holds 145,000 gallons and has a surface are of just under 5,000ft2.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 17, 2018
You’ll want to remove the iron staining with a product like Natural Chemistry Stain Free – probably 4 -6 bottles to start with your volume of water. Since you are closing soon I’d wait and do this at start up next year. You’d add the stain free and brush the pool, so the iron/metals would go back into solution (back into the water) and then if you are running sand filters, FerriTabs would be perfect. One tablet treats 3,000 gallons, so depending on how much iron you have, and how many filters, I’d apply one bottle of tablets (10/bottle) at a time, wait 24 hours, backwash, repeat the process, adding more tablets and backwash again, if the backwash water is brown/orange. They work amazingly well. Once it’s stable, when you add new water just add a few tablets and it will remove the iron before it has a chance to stain.
If you have filters other than a sand filter, we’d have to suggest something else for you to try.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 17, 2018

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