Replaced Liner – Falling Out of Track

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I had a pool liner installed in June last year. 50 days after installation the liner gets a large bump in it. I did have one person come out and he said that they never used liner adhesive or liner locking strip. He also said because the foam edging needs to be replaced that the whole liner needs to come out.
I am seeking a professional opinion. Please help us to identify what is really going on here and what really needs to be done.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 10, 2024

From the photos I would suggest cutting the foam down at that edge and putting the liner back in the track. Over time the liner track itself fatigues and flexes a bit – resulting in a sagging liner or it falling out as it did. A common trick is to put pennies in to hold the liner in place in lieu of locking strip which is sometimes effective and with older pools/retro fits the pennies work better at keeping it in place. The liner should be carefully stretched back in on a sunny day when the liner is more flexible. Avoid using tools that could cut the liner – sometimes the water needs to be lowered a bit to make this happen. I have also never heard of “liner adhesive” so not sure what they would have been referring to?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 10, 2024

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