Replacement drive getting “a6002a unknown pump type” error

1.47K viewsPentairintelliflo Pentair

Replaced drive part 356910Z on Intelliflo VS+SVRV pump model 011057 with drive part 356880Z from Intelliflo VSF pump model 011056. Getting error alarm code “a6002a unknown pump type” Keypad shows “key error!” “Key not in use!” What is the combination of keys to press to get to the backdoor and reset this thing to make friends with the pump motor? The motor is identical on both models. The drive seems like it should work with this motor.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 11, 2023

Since the variable speed pump drives would have specific function for each type of pump (the SVRS is a safety vacuum release system) programmed to turn off the pump when a vacuum is formed, we would think the drive needs to be specific to the pump. Before the variable speed pumps with computer chips running the drive swaps would have been easier. Now, stick with what is intended for each pump.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 11, 2023

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