Safety Cover Replacement


Hello – I recently purchased a home and had about a month with the pool before having it closed today. The safety cover the previous owner left had some holes in it and the maintenance team mentioned it would be needed to be replaced after this season (I will be patching the holes I can). What is the process/timeline/cost range for a replacement safety cover on a kidney shaped pool?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish October 7, 2023

Depending on who manufactured the original cover, we can ship it back to them to have it remade by the same company. Based on the size/shape we can give you an approx. price before doing that. It’s also possible to have a new cover made by a different company – again, same process of taking the old one and/or remeasuring the pool and sending new specs in. The advantage to having it remade is being able to reuse the same anchor locations – though it is possible to also drill new ones/replace any old ones as needed.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish October 7, 2023

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