Should this rebar that is exposed be cut off?


Hello, I am sub contracting out our pool as I have done it before.
My question is, that we had the rebar done and they put rebar out far enough to sit the counter on it. Just on Thursday we had shotcrete done but the rebar wasn’t shotcrete. So it is exposed still. I am now thinking how is that rebar under the counter to be covered if it isn’t being tiled? It doesn’t make sense to me? As on most regular counters in houses has ply-wood underneath also has corbels to hold the hangover up. Plus with rebar it will rust in time with water. How is this actually done? My husband wanted your legs to be a bit under the counter. I have seen pictures of counters hanging over only a little bit. Should this rebar that is exposed be cut off. We want to put a nice granite and or natural stone for our bar. I could also do cement but really want a nice smooth service. Please help!!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 1, 2018

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