Spa jet flow

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I have a fairly new in ground pool/spa combo. Out of the blue, when I put it in spa mode, the jets produce water but no bubbles or good water rippling like normal. They act like the regular pool jets. When I turn on the blower, the bubbles blow although not as crazy as normal. I noticed on the Jandy filter gauge, when in pool mode the psi is at or below the “clean” level but when I put it in spa mode it goes up to near “dirty” level. What is causing this?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish March 16, 2020

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I have a fairly new in-ground pool spa
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combo out of the blue when I put it in
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spa mode the Jets produce water but no
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bubbles or good water rippling like
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they act like regular pool jets when
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they turn on the blower the blower will
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blow bubbles although not as crazy as
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normal I noticed on the Jandy filter
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gauge when the pool went in pull mode
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the PSI is at or below the clean level
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but when I put it in spa mode it goes up
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to near dirty level what is causing this
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so the obvious answer is when you’re in
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pool mode the pressure on the lines is
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much less because probably there’s less
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restriction in the line maybe how the
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spa was built as soon as the pump kicks
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out or goes into spa mode there’s back
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pressure because however the spas
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plumbed it’s putting pressure the pump
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is having to work harder to push water
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through those lines so it could simply
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be how it was plumbed is always a
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possibility that maybe there’s a
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blockage in the spa line although that
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doesn’t make a whole lot of sense
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because there’s really no way of getting
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anything in there to block that line on
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the pressure side on the suction side
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potentially but not on the pressure side
01:22.7 01:28.6
so likely the pressure goes up because
01:25.5 01:31.6
of the way that it’s plumbed it just has
01:28.6 01:31.6
that much more back pressure
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish March 16, 2020
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