Spa jets not working

512 viewsPentairintelliflo Pentair Spa Jets

I have a Pentair Intelliflo VSF Pump, a Pentair EasyTouch 8 System, then two Jandy valves. I have gotten decent at using them. I’ve figured out most of the stuff on my own, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the jets to blow out properly. The water circulates and filtersfine when I turn on the setting. Water is blowing out through the jets.

I have the spa high setting configured, but when I press it, my Jandy valves turn, but nothing happens in the spa. I have tried to manually set the Jandy Valves, but still can’t get the jets to work. I’m kind of at a loss. I’m not sure what else to configure or try out at this point.

Coming here for any advice. Thanks

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 11, 2023

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