660 viewsTroubleshootleak Spa

I just had my pool/spa completed and noticed on the side far behind my pool that the ground was damp (more soggy the farther you went to the back near the fence). It gets MUCH worse about 35 feet to the back of the fence.

I noticed that the spa level was down but not in a scientific way to measure (visual). My builder said that the spa drains into the pool and it would lower the level.

Well, I turned off my sprinkler back flow for a week it’s still a soggy mess (to prove it wasn’t a sprinkler leak or something). Moreover, I did the bucket test in the pool and spa. The pool remained normal (inside and outside measurements) but in 2 days the spa bucket dropped 6 inches but was the same level on the inside!

The builder said he would perform a spa pressure test. He would do this himself which I don’t like because it’s his people and they could just tell him what he wants to hear.


1. What is this test?
2. Will a pressure test of the spa reveal a leak?
3. Am I correct to assume there is a leak?
4. Are there any other ways (besides the above) if he comes back and says the pressure test says you’re fine?

Thank you so much for your help!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2021

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