Tingle when touching handrail

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Had my pool for about 22 years , no issues ,this year had a girl say she felt a little tingle when she touched the had rail . Looked it up online sounds like it could be a bonding issue. Sounds like that could happen when the equipment is running.

Question: if all equipment is turned off while people are swimming will this be an issue ?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 29, 2020

It will still be an issue until you find out where the electricity is coming from.

Example we had this year – we replaced a liner and did nothing with the existing equipment. After liner replacement homeowner’s grandchild felt a tingle while standing on brick patio surrounding the pool. After much research it was determined that the sprinkler lines were the cause of the electrical current in the ground that they were feeling. I don’t know if it is fully resolved yet, but yes, important to figure out what is causing it.

It could be a broken or disconnected bonding/grounding wire.
It can be trace electricity from speaker wires, underground cables on your property or on a neighboring property.
It could be a light not properly installed/bonded/grounded
or – it could be something else entirely.

So I’d keep researching and bring in some local experts – pool people/electricians etc.

Most importantly: NO SWIMMING until you get to the bottom of it

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 29, 2020

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