TruTile Availability?

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I am in Australia and looking at putting in a vinyl liner pool but I would really love a tiled waterline. Is the Trutile system available in Australia or is it something I would be able to use?

Thank you so much for any guidance you can provide.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish November 4, 2021

I believe it would be unlikely you could get the trutile system in Australia. I don’t believe Latham (the company that makes it) is taking on new installers – and they stopped selling the product to all but an approved installer list because of how detailed the installation has to be for it to be watertight. We have also looked into other possible solutions to achieve the tile on a vinyl liner pool and at present there are no other options that we know of. If someone invents one, please let us know!



Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish November 4, 2021

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