TruTile – on new pools

116 viewsConstruction

Hi, I came across your website and wanted to get your thoughts on the tru tile product. Most of the videos and info seem to be over 10 years old and wanted to see if it is still a available and a good product to use.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 22, 2024

HI, We still use TruTile on new pools we build, however Latham limits who can purchase it due to non qualified builders using it when it first came out and having so many issues with it. So yes, the product is still a great solution, but I don’t know if you’ll be able to purchase it if you haven’t used it before. You could reach out to Latham to find out. If you do, and need install tips, feel free to reach back out. They did have installer guides but the way we use it we created our own protocol that works (better) we feel than their instructions.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 22, 2024

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