Vinyl Liner Pool Option for Coping

2.07K viewsCopingRenovationVinyl Liner

Hi Pool Guy,
I have a concrete pool deck poured right into the metal coping and this is pool with a liner. Is there a cantalever paver that will go around the metal coping and secure to the new deck? I am having all concrete around the pool removed and new paver deck put in but I want a finished look, not a bull nose paver over top of the coping.
Thanks so much.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 17, 2018

Hi – You’ll want to find a surface mount coping similar to this

Cinderella CPVM3C2040 VM-3 Vertical Mount Coping with Liner Track

one that Cinderella has. It will be screwed into your existing steel wall and it’s a new spot to hang the liner from. So in this instance the old coping would be removed along with the patio, and you can finish the top edge of the pool however you’d like. The other consideration is if you have any steps, you may want to cut down the top so it is flush with the rest of your new patio and finish that in a similar way as well.


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 17, 2018
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