Vinyl Liner Quality?


I live in Wisconsin and I am wondering about liner quality. I have gotten 16 years out of my first liner that I installed with my polar pools in ground kit.

The owner of polar pools advised me not to get a GLI liner from SPP. He said the sale liners are China vinyl.

Have you ever seen or used the GLI brand?

Are they poor quality

Can you recommend a good brand?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 4, 2018

Ask the Pool Guy Liner Replacement Before and AfterThere are liner manufacturers and there are the places they get the vinyl liner material from – the vinyl manufacturers. If you look at the different brands of liners that area available, you’ll often see some of the same patterns offered from multiple companies, and then some of the liners will be “exclusive” to one brand of liner manufacturer. The liner qualities of uv resistance and chemical resistance  have changed since the popularity of vinyl liner pools being installed in the 1980’s. Now, because of the regulations on the vinyl -some of the additives that they used to contain in the vinyl have been eliminated for environmental and user safety concerns. They don’t hold up to sun and chemicals like the early liner would have.


We are not familiar with where companies source their vinyl for the manufacture of vinyl liners – most do have websites and a quick email to customer service may get you the answer that you need.

Here at our Ask the Pool Guy Michigan HQ we’ve used Merlin vinyl liners, Kafko/Latham vinyl liners, and Kayden vinyl liners – all with success. We are sure there are many more quality vinyl liner manufacturers as well. Bottom line, choose a company you are comfortable with and the pattern you like the best!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 4, 2018
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