Well Water – Pool Turns Green after adding Chlorine?

1.35K viewsAbove Ground Pool KitchemicalsHow To
I have an aboveground pool 22 ft round 52″. I filled it with well water and after I shocked it the water was beautiful. I placed a floating chlorinator and the water turned lime green. I put in some Super Stain Gone and it cleared beautifully. My problem is that the very next day it becomes cloudy. Contains no chlorine and I even get backswimmers in there. If I add chlorine, it will only turn green again. I’ll add the stain Gone and it becomes a cycle where we could never enjoy the pool. What can I do?
Thank you for your anticipated assistance.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 28, 2020

It seems like the ph added is turning it colors – lower the pH to 7.4 and the green likely goes away. If you have a filter that you are using you could use ferritabs to catch the iron in the filter from well water. When well water pH increases the iron can be pushed out of solution and becomes visible, and can stain surfaces. Reducing pH will lower its visibility but it will still be in the water.

We Recommend FerriTabs.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 28, 2020
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