What is a reliable brand to use for gate valves?

862 viewsProductsgate Valve nibco

I was replacing the bonnet on a Nibco classic pro gate valve and the pvc cracked. Since I have access to my other gate valves, should I stick with the Nibco brand or will something like American Valve be fine? The Nibco valves are probably 20 plus years old. I plan to switch to lead-free valves.

Thank you

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2021

Depending on where you are replacing the valves, you may want to go with a more pool specific valve. Gate valves were often used in the past, but since they don’t have an easy way to indicate open/closed it’s more user friendly most of the time to replace with something that you can tell. Also in extreme cases of a pool with gate valves, it’s been known to deadhead the system ie allow water in but no water out resulting in a catastrophic failure. When in doubt, consider other alternatives to the gate valve.

Link to Various Valves

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2021

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