What would you advise me to do? Green Pool


Hello, I have been treating our pool for 10 days. We slammed the pool for a few days, I got all the debris out that a net will catch. It went from dark green to brownish green. I went yesterday to have water tested and she suggested revive. We did revive about 23 hours ago, so the pump hasn’t ran for that long. I was hoping that all the debris would be on the bottom by now so that I could vac to waste. I can still only see about 6 inches deep into the water. Do I give the revive more time to work or blindly try to vac out what o can’t really see. My concern is leaving the pool setting for 48 hours and losing chlorine levels. I am so discouraged and it it almost 100 degrees here in NC. We have tried so hard and invested so much money so far. What would you advise me to do?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 20, 2018

HI – If this were me, I’d test the levels to see where pH and alkalinity are. If you can get liquid chlorine I’d add two cases, and then I would add 2 gallons of muriatic acid to the pool and filter continually for 24-48 hours, and repeat as needed. Revive is also a great product – but not knowing what caused your water color issues, that’s where I’d start on an issue of unknown origin. If the pool improves in 48 hours but isn’t back to normal I’d repeat the liquid chlorine and muriatic acid.

If you do have water levels you’d like to send in, happy to take a look. Photos of the pool as well – we can often glean information from those as well.

Good luck!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 20, 2018

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