Will FerriTabs help Rusty Hose Water?

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Hello. I’m south of Indy (Greenwood). I was topping off my pool (nice and clear) when the outdoor spigot hose water turned brown long enough for it to cloud the pool (it turned a green color when it entered the pool).

The water company said they had no reports of main breaks. They suggested I call my plumber. My plumber said it was not my lines but could have been my water softener core bursting.

I ran the water in the grass for a couple minutes and it was all cleared up but my pool was discolored and can’t see the bottom. I’ve done several bucket tests and I would have to use 54 gallons of chlorine to get it to 10ppm chlorine. This is crazy. I drained the pool down over halfway and am filling it up now. The white steps (when drained down) had an orange/brown film on them. It washes off but resembles rust to me. The water is still green and cant see the bottom except on the shallow white steps. I’m still trying to identify what came through the water line.

I’ve looked up your product and it seems like my pool looks just like the green pool you show online. I have some questions but can’t find the answers on your website.

1. What’s the active ingredient in the tablets? (I don’t like putting things in the pool that I don’t know what they are made of.)

2. Are the FerriTabs in stock and do they ship the same day?

3. Do the FerriTabs work the same way as ascorbic or citric acid? Or differently?

4. Is FerriTabs available in any stores (Indy area)?

5. Is the iron/rust in the water consuming all the chlorine in my bucket test or am I possibly dealing with something else?

I appreciate your help. Thank you very much. I’m anxious to try your product.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 18, 2018

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