Ask the Pool Guy and Legendary Escapes recommends the Pentair IntelliFlow Variable Speed Pump for energy savings for your Michigan swimming pool. Variable speed pumps are energy efficient and can save you big bucks on your energy bill.
What is a variable speed pump?
A variable speed pump is a pump that runs at different speeds depending on the task at hand. It has built-in automatic technology that directs the pump speed. Traditional, single-speed pumps run at the same rate all the time. This can become expensive. It costs much less to operate a variable speed pump – we’ve seen energy bills go from $5/day to operate to $0.48/day. The first year energy savings pays for the pump, and every year after that you save on energy costs and its money back in your pocket! Pool pumps need to run at least 10-12 hours a day to keep your pool running efficiently. Almost all pool professionals turn their pumps on in the spring and off in the fall. When your pool water is moving, your pool water stays cleaner. Ask the Pool Guy can run an energy audit for you and let you know your projected energy savings with a variable speed pump.
IntelliFlo High Performance Variable Speed Pump by Pentair is the first pump of its kind to deliver the exact amount of water needed to perform different tasks. This pump is adaptable for any pool or spa size. Your pool professional can program the pump to suit the needs of your pool.
An Eco Select Choice: Standard pool pumps can consume as much energy as all other home appliances combined, often costing more than $1,000 per year! IntelliFlo VF High Performance Pump pumps can typically cut energy use by up to 90%, generally saving $620 to $1,360 in utility costs annually – more where rates are higher than average.*
*Actual savings may vary based on plumbing size and length, pump model, service factor, flow rates, and other hydraulic factors.
NOTE: Multi-Speed Pumps are now required in California as stated in the Title 20 section of the California Code of Regulations. They are also required in Florida and Arizona.