Water Chemistry Guide
Problem Solvers
- CoverFree by Natural Chemistry: Liquid Solar Blanket
- FerriTabs are an excellent product for removing iron, manganese and trace minerals from the water.
- StainFree by Natural Chemistry: Lifts rust stains off steps and white goods in the pool.
- SeaKlear to clear up cloudy water or when it just doesn’t have that sparkle.
Ask the Pool Guy’s Water Balancing Kit:
Must have Chemicals. Keep these on hand throughout your pool season.
□ Test Strips (for weekly testing at home)
□ Chlorine (liquid or powered shock in a packet for a quick acting boost)
□ Alkalinity +
□ pH +
□ pH- or Muratic Acid
□ Calcium Hardness Increaser
□ Algaecide
□ SeaKlear
□ Well Water Users: FerriTabs
□ Salt System Users: 2-3 bags of salt or Chlorine Users 1” Tablets