I’ve got a summer escapes above ground pool. I put in a sand filter and couldn’t get the leaf skimmer to stop leaking. Nothing I did stopped the leak. I checked for something that might be making the o ring not seal nothing was working. A buddy of mine told me to put some vegetable oil on it . It worked great, but now I can’t get it to budge. I’ve broke almost all the little plastic tabs on top and even tried to use a leather belt to remove it so I could get a good grip on it but nothing is working. It’s got a lot of crap in it and I can’t clean it out . What do you suggest?
Can you send a picture of what you are referring to? I am wondering if the oil caused it to bond together, either that or suction is keeping it in place. In the future magic lube is a lubricant that works well in the pool environment, but send some pics and we’ll try to get you more advice.
You can do a couple of things to loosen that lid. The tightness probably comes from the air lock, so if you can allow a little air in it may release the seal. You could loosen one of the screws in the pump just until the pressure is relieved and then tighten back up. A 2×4 may also do the trick.
This handle, which is for a different pump lid may also give you the traction you need.